Doctor of international relations history (Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne) and EMBA graduate (HEC), Thomas Gomart is Director of the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI) having been its Strategic Development Director (2010-2015) and Director of its Russia/NIS Centre (2004-2013). Before joining IFRI, Thomas Gomart worked at Marne-la-Vallée University (1996-1999) and the Ministry of Defence (2000). He has also been Lavoisier Fellow at the State Institute of International Relations (University-MGIMO - Moscow, 2001), Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Security Studies (European Union – Paris 2002) and Marie Curie Fellow at the Department of War Studies (King’s College - London 2003).
His current work focuses on digital governance, French foreign policy, country risk, Russia and think tanks. He recently published Notre intérêt national. Quelle politique étrangère pour la France? (with Thierry de Montbrial), Éditions Odile Jacob, 2017; L’affolement du monde - 10 enjeux géopolitiques, Éditions Tallandier, 2019 (awarded the Prix Louis-Marin and Prix du Livre de Géopolitique); Qu'est-ce qu'un think tank? Une perspective française, Études de l'Ifri, November 2019; Le COVID-19 et la fin de l'innocence technologique, Politique étrangère, Vol. 85, n° 2, summer 2020; and Guerres Invisibles. Nos prochains défis géopolitiques, Éditions Tallandier, 2021.
Languages spoken : French and English.
Photo credit : David Atlan