Born in England and living in France since 1988, Helen Haynes was running fitness classes until 1999 when she discovered the Pilates method and other techniques based on posture and balance (Swiss Ball, Bosu…). Totally won over by this vision of the body as a whole, as an intelligent way of looking at it and “reading” it, she changed direction towards one-on-one coaching.
She was the first teacher to introduce and make popular the Swiss Ball in France.
In 2004, the Danone company asked her to develop and manage the ‘Et votre corps sourit’ centre, a prestigious Parisian venue dedicated to gentle disciplines and techniques that she ran for seven years.
At the same time, she co-wrote a book on coaching, ‘Ma forme et moi, Jamais sans mon coach’ and produced two Swiss Ball DVDs. She is taking new training courses, notably with Bernadette de Gasquet, author of several books including ‘Abdominaux, Arrêtez le massacre’ which highlights the importance of strengthening the abdominal muscles without damaging the perineum. In 2012, she resumed Romana’s Pilates training while continuing to teach the Swiss Ball and the Gasquet Method.
All these experiences have taught Helen how to “read” the body with its strengths, weaknesses and needs. For her, every course must be a carefully guided exploration and always with a smile, which is why she brings joy to so many people who remain loyal to her classes!”
Languages spoken: french, english
Photo credit: ARR